Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A little Camping

Monday night Jeff had reserved a RV from Toy Share, so we invited the kids to a cookout/family night up at Whiting campground. Lance and Kenna and Marcie and Liam joined Jeff, Kara and I. We enjoyed traditional summer camping food ( hotdogs, hamburgers, potatoe salad, pop, cookies chips and smores) Not exactally "healt" food, but it sure tasted great!

Jeff gave a great and very short Family night lesson on keeping the colors of our life bright and happy not dark and confusing -

After Marcie needed to take Liam home for his bath, we took a short and very beautiful walk and then sat around the fire and visited. After everyone left, we read for a bit and went to bed...............around 2:00 a.m with both Jeff and I still awake and very hot - we decided to head out. Arriving home, Jeff went in to bed and Kara and I slept in the RV (in the driveway!) and we all finally got some sleep -