Sunday, July 27, 2008

Happy Pioneer Day!!

What a fun Holiday this was for us!!
Jeff, Kara and I met Liam and Marcie at the park for the Pancake breakfast - which was great, then off to scout a spot to enjoy the parade. It was great- no comercial products, mostly primary kids on ward floats or following on thier decorated bikes and scooters. Following the parade, it was off to the art exhibit to see the displays - Jeff displayed three of his paintings - this is his second year to do so - he got some very positive comments on them!
We walked around for a bit, to see all that was happening and Kara took off with some friends to try the games.

The afternoon was spent at home. April, Vicente and the twins along with Marcie and Liam stopped in - we played some music for the kids, took some photos and visited- it was very fun! Katherine is lifting her head incredibly well (see the slides) and Liam did a bit of dancing.

Jeff and Kara and I attended the evening patriotic performance of music and history and then waited for the fireworks. I didn't expect much - being such a small town, but I must say we were all very impressed!!! Laying on the grass under the show with great music playing - it was really my favorite fireworks ever! It was really a wonderful 24th celebration for us -

Kenna and Lance went backpacking with thier children (Coca and Che) check out the photos on thier very up to date Blog -